How time flies
Well...another weekend that flew by! We didn't do a whole lot, but that's nice sometimes too. On Friday we rented a couple movies Just Married and The Recruit . They were both pretty good - one funny, the other one suspenseful.
On Saturday I went for a run in the morning but it was way too hot out - too much sun. I had to stop after about 4.5 kms. I was still about 4 kms from home so I did fartleks for the rest of the way. Running in the morning when it's cooler is definitely better! Glenn and I hung out for a bit (well...he did yardwork while I stood around and talked to him!) Then he went golfing with his parents. I went over to my parents for a while, then my mom & I went grocery shopping. We stopped by Art Knapps Plantland and I ordered flowers for one of the cakes I'm doing on August 9th. Then I went home and played with the dogs outside until about 4pm. I baked some gingerbread and read a book on the sundeck. Glenn called around 5pm and I went to the Golf & Curling Club to meet them for dinner. I had a delicious Halibut burger - messy, but yummy. We went over to Tom & Tracey's after that to play cards. After a game of Hearts (which I won) we played Canasta. We switched things up a bit - instead of playing girls against boys we played Tom & I against Glenn & Tracey. Tom & I won - but it was a close call! We were losing by about 2000 pts in the second to last round. Our score in the final round was more that our total score for the previous four rounds! We stayed over until about 12:30 when Glenn was falling asleep over his beer. On Sunday we slept in ( Glenn's standards anyway - it was only 8:30am). Then we cleaned up the house and had breakfast. Glenn's parents came over at about 10am. His dad helped Glenn with the rest of the yardwork (we put landscaping ties along both sides of the driveway) while his mom & I "supervised". The house down the street was having an Open House - so Sheryl (MIL) and I walked down and looked at it. It was pretty nice, but I didn't like the layout as much as ours. We had McD's for dinner and then we watched the last half of The Recruit again (because Glenn fell asleep the first time). I read in bed for a while ( The Rescue) then it was lights out.
And all of a sudden - the alarm's going off and it's Monday morning. It felt like I'd only closed my eyes for an hour! But I got up and went to the gym anyway. Then here I am at work.
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