Tuesday, February 17, 2004

interesting night

We had an interesting night last night. There was a big electrical storm (thunder & lightning). So when I got home from work, I had just plugged in the indoor grill to cook dinner when the power went out. It flickered on, and then went out again. So we had salad for dinner! We unplugged all the major things (computer, TV, etc.) in case there was a power surge, then we sat down to enjoy our salad. It was pretty good salad - romaine lettuce with creamy poppyseed dressing and sunflower seeds. We kept hearing a gurgling noise - which prompted us to remember that the pump that keeps the house from flooding runs on electricity! So we drove to Glenn's office to get the generator (which we have now decided to invest in one ourselves). On the way home lightning struck the power station near our house (as we were driving by on the highway we saw it). Two transformers blew up before our very eyes! I'm sure at that point BC Hydro had its hands quite full already. When we got home we were just in time to see the tree fall near the new house down the street. It was a very close call - the top of the tree was about a foot from the garage. That would have really sucked as the house isn't even sold yet! When we got home we discovered that the water was about an inch and a half from flooding over into the basement. So we started the generator and got the pump running. Close call. The power eventually came back on around 7:30 pm. So I finished the book I was reading and Glenn watched TV and all was normal again.

I went for a run this morning - I did the full 10 kms. I had to guess at my time because my watch isn't digital and I wasn't paying attention to the second hand when I started (I usually wait until it hits the 12). So today at the mall I bought a $10 watch that is digital and has a timer.