Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Classic route map

I just got the Classic route map. It looks okay - there's just the one big hill up and one big hill down, at about the 6-7 km then it's relatively flat. If the weather cooperates this weekend - maybe I'll give it a go.

It was a pretty relaxed evening last night. I read a bit of The Red Tent - I'm quite enjoying it. It's very well written! I definitely recommend it to readers everywhere. For more info on this book - check out Trading Pages !

I also vaccumed and cleaned up the spare room for our guests next week. Glenn's back's been bothering him again, so we borrowed a mattress from his parents (to see if our bed is the problem - hope not, it's a Sealy Posturpedic - not cheap) and put our mattress in the spare room. If this does turn out to be the problem, maybe we'll buy a new mattress for ourselves. I guess the good thing would be that then we would have an actual spare bed instead of the futon that we usually use for guests.

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Almost there!

I did 12 kms this morning - in 1:11:05! I think I can probably manage to do 1.8kms more - and that's the Classic!

Monday, March 22, 2004

cleared a lot of the dead trees

We had a pretty productive night! We cleared a lot of the dead trees from behind the house, broke them up and stacked the wood. We also cleared a trail so that we can get the ATV through on the right side of the back yard - this way when we have grass back there we won't have to ride over it. Plus I cleared the growth along the fence so you can walk back to see the horses next door without getting scratched.
I didn't go running this am. Just couldn't get up. I don't know what's up with me lately - I'm just not sleeping well. But that's okay - we're walking tonight anyway. Then I'll go running tomorrow and I'm back on schedule (I usually run on Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays anyway). I called the man who is organizing the Labour Day Classic and left a message. So hopefully I'll get a route map for the weekend and put in some practice. There's only one big hill, so if I do it a few times I should be okay (hopefully).

Thursday, March 11, 2004

Missing Post!

Well - I did post yesterday - but I guess blogger lost my post! It was nothing too interesting - just talking about the thunder storms on the weekend and how our power went out twice on Sunday (for a cumulative 5.5 hrs!)

I went to the gym this morning. It felt good - I hadn't been since last Monday. I know I've been running and walking and going for bike rides in between, but I sometimes feel like I haven't done anything if I don't get to the gym.

I borrowed my Dad's book about hikes around PG - maybe this weekend will be nice enough to try one out. Our friends (Kyle, Carla & kids) aren't coming to town until Monday now (I thought they were coming on Thursday) so that gives us the weekend to straighten up a bit. Gillian will also be here on Monday - so we'll have a full house. Although K&C might not stay with us because K is allergic to dogs. We will see how it goes (he has an uncle in town too). Not that it matters - we've got beds enough for everyone! This weekend will be the first that everyone has been in town for a while - so maybe we'll have a BBQ.

Well - got work to do. I made a little mistake yesterday (just one wrong keystroke) and cost myself about 2 hrs!! I accidentally cancelled my cheque run (while it was in the printer spool) so I had to hand write all the cheques. I guess you live and you learn - although I didn't need to learn this - I already knew what would happen! LOL! That's what I get for hitting a '2' instead of a '3'!! I still think the system should have a little warning, like "Are you sure you want to CANCEL this spool item?" It just makes sense!!

Friday, March 05, 2004

Got a raise

I forgot to tell my news! On Monday my boss pulled me into her office for a minute - to tell me that they are very happy with my work and like having me around. Then she gave me a raise! It's not a huge one, but it's still nice to have the good feedback!