Friday, January 30, 2004

No time

Sorry - work is crazy - no time to post! I hope to be caught up by tomorrow! (remind me to never take the week before month end off again!!!)

Monday, January 19, 2004

I'm not counting my points any more this week

Yeah - I get tomorrow off! So I've been pretty busy today just getting ahead of things so I won't be too far behind on Monday. It's so nice out - I can't wait to get home! I'm going to do some yardwork tonight - then maybe visit with the in-laws. Hope the weather holds.

I'm not counting my points any more this week - too much more interesting stuff to do! I did go for a run this am, so I should still be okay today. I'm going to try just living life, not living life on points! LOL!

Saturday, January 10, 2004

productive day

What a productive day! I've done both cheque runs, both bank recs and fixed the stupid printer! Shouldn't I get some time off for good behaviour? Of course it would be nice because it's so cold outside! Since my sister-in-law, brother-in-law and nephew are coming into town today we're having dinner at my in-laws house. So I will miss the big walk today!! Oh, well.

(-6 pts) elliptical trainer (30 mins), weights - arms (15 mins), stretching / sit-ups (20 mins)
(4 pts) Oat'n'Honey oatmeal bar
(3 pts) cinnamon snaps
(10 pts) No Peek chicken & rice (leftovers)
(3 pts) rice krispy square

Monday, January 05, 2004

Weighing Scales Hell

At some point do you just stop caring what the scale says as long as your body looks healthy? Shouldn't the way my clothes fit be a better indicator? I don't know if these thoughts are just running through my head because I don't think I'll get down to my goal weight or if there really is a better way to define "fit". I'm keep going back and forth as to whether I want to count points, or just try to make healthy choices (yes I know I can do both at the same time). So I'm going to experiment this week - I'm going to count my points but not put a cap on my daily point intake. I want to be able to maintain my body without thinking about it.

(-6 pts) 30 mins on treadmill (4.5kms), 20 mins weights (legs), 10 mins stretch & sit-ups
(1 pt) apple
(0 pts) vitamins & 8 oz water
(0 pts) 16 oz water
(6 pts) PB & J sandwich
(3 pts) 1 oz milk chocolate wafers
(0 pts) 8 oz water