Saturday, June 19, 2004

forest fires

Well - it's been an eventful weekend in BC, due mainly to forest fires . The internet was out for quite a while because the fire in Kamloops took out shaw cable's lines. We weren't affected at our house because we use ADSL line not cable. But pretty much everyone else in town was affected. (The digital TV channels were out too). It is also the weekend with (typically) the most car accidents - I'm currently trying to find out how we did this year. I know that on our way home from the lake, Glenn and I saw a greyhound passenger bus in the ditch (the front was pretty banged up, but the rest looked okay) and the remains of a trailer (or camper) were everywhere all over the road. I didn't see the vehicle that had been towing the trailer, but the accident had happened a couple hours earlier, so it might have already been towed. I heard on the radio that there were no life threatening injuries. Hopefully the rest of the people who were in accidents were that lucky.

Thursday, June 10, 2004

It was a good BC Day weekend

We watched a movie on Friday night and went to bed early. Saturday morning we cleaned the house and then packed to go to the lake. We got out to the cabin around 3pm - the sun was just parting the clouds. It was nice for the rest of the day so we went for boatrides (some of the guys waterskied and kneeboarded) and we went swimming. It was fun. We stayed up fairly late, sitting around the campfire and then most of us packed it in (tired from all the swimming). We got up pretty early the next morning and had a big breakfast. The guys went fishing for a while and the girls suntanned. We left around 11:30am.

For the rest of Sunday we didn't do a whole lot - sat around the house and then watched TV. On Monday Glenn did a lot of yardwork but it was too hot out for me (I think I got too much sun on Saturday) so I stayed in the house and puttered around.

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Let me Sleep

I absolutely did not want to get up this morning. But I did. And as soon as I was at the gym I felt good. My workout was good and I feel better for having gone, but when the alarm first went off at 5:20am - I was not happy!

This morning was pretty busy at work with month end. But I'm finished all my reports and I just have bank recs left to do, so the afternoon should be more relaxing. I took a 2hr lunch and got some grocery shopping done. Plus I picked up our parcel (at the post office that is about 15 kms out of the way and they won't let us go to a different location! Grr...sometimes Canada Post pisses me off) and it was our new modem. We got a mailing a week ago that said we could now get ADSL in our area (thank god - I was getting really tired of dial-up) so I ordered it from Telus. Now we'll be able to use the phone and the computer at the same time and it will be much faster. I'm so glad - I was almost avoiding using the internet at home because it was so slow. Now I can get back into it!

We're going to clean the house tonight because Glenn's parents have agreed to watch the dogs for us tomorrow, since we're going out to the lake to Tom's parents cabin. His parents are going to stay at our house, rather than have the dogs over to their house (I think they were a little to rambunctious last time they went over to their house- lol!) That's better anyway, then they don't have to really watch them as they can play outside like they usually do.