Tuesday, July 27, 2004

internet connection failed

Aarggh. I just finished a really long post (yes - I'm wasting time at work even though I have a lot of work to do) and my internet connection failed. I hate that!!
It didn't really say a whole lot, but still it was long.

Basically I was just saying that I need some more motivation. I've been having a hard time getting myself out of bed in the am to get to the gym. We haven't been eating that bad (lots of fish, salad and fruit). Lately I've just been concentrating on the baby thing. I read (Dr.Phil) that we need to work through our emotional problems before we can be ready to work through our eating problems. That's difficult when we are still trying to conceive, still trying to have a baby. I don't really think that this is something we can work through (at least until we know for sure we can't have kids and then still maybe never). So I guess I need to find the motivation to do it anyway. I've been telling myself that eating healthy is good for me and for any baby I might have. I think it would be a lot easier if we could just conceive - then I would know that I have a baby inside me that needs me to eat properly. Why is it that it's not enough that it's good for me? I don't think I have low self esteem and I do value myself...I don't know. I just finished eating an apple cut up with some kiwi fruit. It's a good combination. I guess I have to just keep reminding myself that I like fruit (and some veggies) ALMOST as much as I like chocolate! LOL

Saturday, July 10, 2004

watching TV

Well..I ended up just watching TV last night, then going to bed early. I guess I shouldn't have gone to bed that early because I woke up at 5:40am. I didn't feel like going to the gym because I thought we would be going for our walk tonight (turns out it's raining so that's cancelled too). Oh well. So instead of going for exercise we're going for dessert - cause that makes sense lol.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Nice Day

It's soooo nice outside! My thermometer (which is in the sun) said +19! I sat on my sundeck at lunch and read part of a book - then I didn't want to go back! Maybe I'll see about taking off early today...it's even warm enough to suntan! I wouldn't mind putting on my bathingsuit and lying around for a few hours! I was going to take the dogs for a walk...but I can do that a little later when it's cooled down some! I had an easy lunch..cause I just wanted to get outside - PB & bananas on toast. I really hope this is an indication of the summer to come!

Thursday, July 01, 2004

How depressing is running in the dark

It was still dark when I got up this am to run. How depressing is that? I went anyway, but it was pretty cold without the sun. I hurt my knee part way - a dog jumped out at me and I jumped back (it startled me more than anything) and landed in a funny way on my leg. My leg felt pinched at the top and the whole leg was aching for a while, but then it was mostly just my knee. It felt like I was walking with my leg twisted (I even looked down at one point to see if I was) but I wasn't. So I ended up having to walk the last 2 kms. But then I got home early (I had planned on doing 14 kms) so I had time to crawl back into bed and snuggle with Glenn. Of course, it's just not as nice when you're all sweaty - LOL!

Since Danica is in town - we're going to Meteora Taverna for lunch. That should be good, I haven't had greek food in a while. And then tonight is the family birthday dinner (it was Danica's birthday on Saturday and Kaili's birthday on Sunday). So I don't have to prepare any food at all today! Yeah!