Saturday, April 24, 2004

The procedure

Well - I'm glad that's over. I hope to never have to do that again! The procedure wasn't quite what I expected.

First - I thought that it would be more like getting a pap test. But no - you just have to lie up on the stainless steel table, heel to your bum, knees dropped to the side. It was more than a little exposive, more than slightly humiliating. So, okay, I'm dealing with the fact that I'm bared to the whole room (at this point there was the doctor and a nurse). But then he pulls out an old speculm - you know - the metal kind. So that was cold. But okay, that happens when you get a pap done (except most places now use the plastic disposable ones that aren't that cold). Then the doctor lifts up this stainless steel rod (about 2.5 feet long and 10mm in diameter!!) - at that point I'm like - what the hell is that for??

Apparently when this procedure is done they insert a catheter into your uterus. Ouch. So when they had stuck everything they needed in, they pulled an x-ray machine over top of my pelvic area and then the other doctor came in (the technician doctor). My doctor (well - my specialist anyway) then injected ink into my uterus via the catheter. It felt gross. I got to watch the screen and saw the ink go up into my uterus. But then it stopped. To be sure there wasn't a blockage they got more ink (it took about 5 mins for them to get the refill). Finally they injected more ink and we saw it go up into my tubes. So there's nothing wrong with them (yeah!). Then we were done. The technician doctor left, the x-ray machine was pushed back and the catheter was removed. Then the doctor cleaned inside me (to remove some of the ink) before taking the speculm out. At this point some of the ink (which was the consistency of syrup) had run down to my butt and legs. Okay - all done. I got walk down the hall (in my paper gown) with syrup dripping down my legs to the washroom. Since all the ink still had to come back out - I was cramping a bit. I was also bleeding a bit from the catheter. They gave me a pad and sent me on my way. I didn't go back to work - I went home and had a very long bath.

I have to call the doctor's office today and make an appt (the doctor said a couple weeks) to discuss where we go from here. Since I now know that it's not my tubes that are the problem, I'm guessing it's a hormonal thing. Hopefully something fixable. For now I'm just relieved to have finished all the tests.

Friday, April 23, 2004

Well - today's the day

I have my final test at 2:30pm. Hopefully I'll get an appt to see the doctor soon after this to discuss all the test results - and then maybe soon we'll be pregnant! I'm trying to be as nonchalant as I can be - but it's kind of nerve wracking to think that we might soon be able / not able to have kids! It's been so long since we started trying that it's weird to think about. It will almost be like starting over - but with a better chance, hopefully. Hmm..lot of 'hopefully's in there.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

I did it!

I got my ass out of bed at 5:30am (on a day off, no less!) and ran the full 13.8 kms! It took me 1 hour and 23 minutes. So now at least I know I can do it - I can just work on my time. I want to run the actual route a couple times at least, as well, so that I know where I should be timewise.

We visited with Kyle, Carla & kids yesterday. It was good to see them - haven't seen them since our wedding! So of course the kids are a lot bigger than when we last saw them. We hung out at our house for lunch and sat on the sundeck and chatted while the kids napped. Then we took them to the Exploration Place and went to the Sim-ex theater. Brandon (5) was a little freaked when we went into the room with the dinosaur bone statues, but relaxed once he realized none of them were real. Ashley didn't seem to care about them - she was more interested in the water table. It was fun. We had hotdogs from the concession for dinner (well - Kyle, Carla & Glenn had burgers which they assured me were quite disgusting - the kids and I had hotdogs). After they left we went back home and went in the hottub for a while. We watched Ocean's Eleven and then went to bed. All that fresh air sure tires you out!!

Monday, April 12, 2004

Good morning all!

It was a very hot & sticky weekend. Saturday I cleaned the entire house - just in time for a BBQ. The guys went golfing at 2:30pm, so the girls came over to our house to wait. Since they weren't going to be home until 7:30 - 8pm - we decided to play drinking games while we were waiting. Ooops - we're all too drunk to BBQ! Luckily Tom (the designated driver for the golfers) was a good sport and cooked our dinner. We had a horseshoe tournament and sat around the fire for a while. Then the girls went hottubbing while the guys played pool. It was a fun night!

The next morning wasn't so fun! - LOL! Sunday was very sluggish. We slept in until about 10am, then just sat around for a while. I made cinnamon buns and cleaned the kitchen while Glenn cleaned up downstairs. After we ate I read a book while Glenn watched TV. It was a incredibly hot out - very muggy. So we spent most of the day downstairs.

Gillian got in from Edmonton at about 6pm - she laughed at our sleepiness. We started a movie around 7:30pm but only Glenn lasted the whole movie, Gill & I went to bed.

I went to the gym this morning - feel much more renewed now. I have tomorrow off work, so I'm going to try for the full 13.8 kms tomorrow morning (this way it doesn't matter how long it takes because I'm not on a timeline).

Monday, April 05, 2004

mattress to soft

I must say that the mattress we are currently using is not agreeing with me! I wake up feeling stiff and sore - I'm turning into Glenn!! LOL! So I think we need to go more firm (the one right now is a soft foam bed) than soft. I'm going to look around for any sales that might be happening, because the sooner we get rid of this one - the better!!

So we found out last night that our water softener doesn't work. It's two months old! Glenn's going to take it in and get them to look at it. Because there are only the two of us - the first tank (it worked initially, but has never regenerated) lasted us quite a while, so we didn't notice that it didn't work. But since it has never regenerated, once that first brine tank was done - it has been hard water ever since. So once again I had to scrub yellow toilets. At least now I have this awesome cleaner - Pro Rust Away - that takes the stains right out. It was actually pretty easy. I put the powder in the back of the tank and in the bowl - went to blow dry my hair and then quickly used the toilet brush after I was done my hair. And voila - dry hair and clean toilets! Is that multitasking or what! LOL!